I would like to thank my original teacher Jana Draka, her teacher Blanche Hartman, my current teacher Doug Jacobson, and all the ancestors in my lineage. Eternity can be talked about for ehh ver, it can be seen in the short moments and long spans of time– but I notice it most in the short pauses that we naturally have in our lives, and we can make more pauses by meditating. Those short pauses of eternity– Also called a ksana– are shorter than a single breath. Each contains eternities that can be enjoyed and explored– each moment spawning infinite possibilities, like a Mandelbraut. On the other hand there is the long eternity – called a kalpa – which is longer than it takes to wear down a mountain from the whisk of a Eagles’ feather as it passes by for the first time on its way from its birth nest. It's so long we are not equipped to experience it directly. So eternity is both long and short: deep and shallow: it’s the river we traverse. This talk is the original written words and the generated A.I. voice of one that has been called a Bodhisattva and has taken the Bodhisattva vows. I hope that I have seen you as a being. I hope that I have helped dissolve delusion with these deluded words. I hope that I have opened new learning gates for you. To me, the Buddha's way is unsurpassable, I hope you become what YOU seek. notes