I would like to thank my teacher Jana Draka, her teacher Blanche Hartman, and all the ancestors in my lineage. Magna actum, sotto voce is a Latin phrase I’m very fond of hearing. The phrase means to approach loudly and speak softly. As a child I learned the practice when my father was in the garage working with tools, but found it also applied to my mother when she was gardening - once in her surprise at being snuck up on while watering, we got in a minor hose battle - and later in life I again learned to make noise around the office to alert coworkers to my presence while they were typing at their computers. The Latin phrase certainly has similarities to Buddhist ideas of right action: by inspiring transparency in approaching suggests being more open; mindfulness is encouraged by being aware of yourself in space; the buddhist ideal of not killing is promoted by the attempt of tranquility; not stealing is maintained by keeping the equanimity of the moment; and helping others appreciate their surroundings leads to them and you finding a peaceful life. It’s rather simple to implement and gives immediate positive feedback from those you are approaching, because who doesn’t like feeling seen. So live mindfully and be aware of others, by doing so it also increases the awareness others have of you.