Brevity is an oft overlooked part of right speech. Right speech is defined as speech that is true, timely and kind and thus respects the listeners’ time and attention. Writers; scholars; priests; and many others tend to carry on with their talking, mistakenly thinking that length will increase their clarity. It's a skill for them to learn to shorten and focus their talks to increase clarity. A simple technique to create brevity effectively is to generate a summary of your topic and talk about that instead of fleshing it out into paragraphs from an outline as you would for an essay or paper. Several AI tools findable through a search engine– or better yet a personal recommendation– can be used to help create a short list of talking points for you to focus on. If you get nervous and talk at length– or have slurred speech: a right action leading to right speech is to use a clone of your own voice and have an AI read the brief content you write in your voice clone: that is after all how this brief talk was written and read to you. Awarning, however, that as with all aspects of life, brevity can be overused. Please remember to take the middle path and just explain clearly and briefly.