I would like to thank my original teacher Jana Draka, her teacher ZenKei Blanche Hartman, my current teacher Doug Jacobson, and all the ancestors in my lineage. I am physically disabled with M.S. My voice is awkwardly slurred, I often cannot eat without assistance, I no longer walk easily, and I sleep 9 to 12 hours a day: not convenient. I have developed a creative mentality, like many with a disability. I respond to each new situation with the understanding that it will likely never happen again, and has likely never happened before. So the new situation defies our human tendencies, including the search for patterns. With this in mind, I turn to technology to solve many issues. One solution was that I bought a voice assistant device so I don't have to walk around to change lights or close blinds. I still cannot walk downtown, but my nearby needs are taken care of. Another solution I use is A.I. that I used to clone my voice.I write out my talk in a text document, then I have my A.I. voice read it. I spend a fair amount of time choosing the most intelligible reading of my words, then export them into sound manipulation software. After hours of tweaking silences and removing undesired words, I export the finished product and post it online. Ideally I then play it while I am present so I can answer any questions. This talk is the original written words and the generated A.I. voice of one that has been called a Bodhisattva and has taken the Bodhisattva vows. I hope that I have seen you as a being. I hope that I have helped dissolve delusion with these deluded words. I hope that I have opened new learning gates for you. To me, the Buddha's way is unsurpassable, I hope you become what YOU find unsurpassable.