First I create a project name and folder, then write a 2 to 6 hundred word essay in a file with the project name, then I import it into the audio creation tool with each paragraph in its own section. In the audio creation tool I create a voice clone by clicking on the voice clone link, then upload a clean 30 second clip of my voice to create a voice clone. Using my own voice clone, I assign each section my voice and generate exports of dot-w-a-v files into my project folder. If they sound wrong I regenerate them: I try to minimize the number of regenerations of each section since there is a character limit. Next I use an audio manipulation tool (I use GarageBand) to remove any undesirable sounds, optimize silence lengths, and do final tweaks on errors that have crept in with the previous process. When I stop my tweaking, I export a dot-m-4-a file readable on most web browsers. I then upload the file to the ZenKei web server in a memorable location. I send the URL out to the ZenKei Priests for a final approval of appropriate content. After five days of response time, I send the finished file to the Sangha as released early content. I then change the to the talks page on the website with the link in the next few days. I now consider it done and live. I put any thoughts of continued changes behind me. I do perform one more step to conclude the creation process. I compress my project folder and file it away in a place on my computer. I then put the entire creation process of that talk behind me and move on